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輔導員 (Counselor)

專業資格 Professional Qualifications
Master of Social Sciences in Youth Counseling – Hong Kong Baptist University
社會科學碩士(青年輔導學) – 香港浸會大學

Bachelor of Applied Science (Nursing) – Monash University of Australia
應用科學(護理學)學士 - 澳洲莫納殊大學

Professional Diploma in Parent Education –The Chinese University of Hong Kong
家長教育專業文憑 – 香港中文大學

Professional Diploma in Guidance and Counseling – The Chinese University of Hong Kong
學生輔導專業文憑 – 香港中文大學

Certificate of Registration, Nursing Board of Hong Kong

Certificate of Registration, Midwifery Board of Hong Kong

Registered Nurse, Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia

Post-Registration Health Nursing Certificate, The HK Government Hospitals’ School of Health Nursing

經驗簡介 Brief Introduction
曹龍芬女士土生土長於香港, 曾服務本地及海外公營醫療機構, 並包括有特殊需要的家庭和任職社區家庭健康服務等工作。 

曹女士在多年的生活和工作過程中, 見證到香港社會的發展, 深刻體會到香港人因面對社會的改變、經濟轉型, 家庭結構被受沖擊 。 很多市民也承受著多方面的壓力, 有些甚至可能出現焦慮, 情緒低落, 缺乏安全感……等負面情緒。 曹女士深信健康遠不止於身體免於疾病, 而是全人身、心、靈的舒適康泰。於是, 她用多年時間, 憑著豐富的社會經驗及多年臨床護理的基礎上, 進行一系列的進修, 專注青少年輔導、個人成長、健康輔導、情緒輔導、敍事治療及家庭詒療, 受助者均得到適切的幫助, 效果顯著。 

她藉著敏銳的觀察、專業的判斷、致誠的關懷、能解讀各人的需要, 並且讓每一個與她接觸的人都能感到被接納, 彼能安全和舒適地作出自我探索、認識自我、提升自我解難能力、跨越障礙、發揮自我潛能、達致自我成長。 

生活是一條成長路, 有時是陽光的大道, 但也有幽暗和荊棘滿途時刻。當經歷壓力, 例如生活逆境、生活變遷、關係變異、親友離去等情況, 輔導服務確實可提供即時的舒緩, 彼能過渡哀傷, 排解困難, 尋找生命的新方向, 適應新的生活。 她相信生活挑戰也可以是成長歷練、一個自我提升的契機, 只要無懼困難, 讓潛能再現, 我們便可以活得更精彩。


Candace Cho was born and raised in Hong Kong, and has worked in local and overseas health care institutions, serving families with special needs

In many years of work, Ms. Cho has witnessed the growth of society in Hong Kong, and has intimate knowledge of how the family structure of Hong Kong being affected by the zeitgeist and economic development. People face pressure from many sources, causing anxiety, depression, and a sense of instability. Ms. Cho firmly believes that health goes beyond mere physical fitness, but also in aspects of social, mental and the spiritual well-being. To this end, she entered a series of advanced studies and practice focusing in youth guidance, personal growth, emotional counselling, health counselling, Narrative Therapy and FamilyTherapy, supplementing her expertise in health services.

With acute observation, professional judgment, and earnest care, Ms. Cho is skillful in reading people’s needs, and allow her client to feel safe and accepted, providing an optimal environment for personal growth and self-exploration.

Counselling services serve as an integral part of relief and support during periods of stress. Ms. Cho believes that life's challenges also serve as lessons, and that if we face these challenges rather than avoiding them, life will be more vibrant and meaningful.